Mobile blogging (moblogging) is a form of blogging in which the user publishes blog entries directly to the web from a mobile phone or other mobile device. A moblog helps habitual bloggersto post write-ups directly from their cell phone even when on the move. Mobile blogging is popular among people with camera-enabled cellphones which allow them to e-mail/MMS or SMSphotos and video that then appear as entries on a web site, or use mobile browsers to publish content directly to any blogging platform with Mobile Posting compatibility.[1] [2]
Moblogging is particularly helpful to tourist and travellers when access to a computer or a PC with Internet connection may be difficult. The traveller can ideally shoot anything and with a GPRSor a wap enabled phone can easily upload such pictures with text description directly to his or her blog. Obviously this require a suitable blogging platform or website with necessary plugin or feature capable of receiving such emails and also posting them on the website.....
A Moblog platform offers using the Mobile Phone for administration, editing and writing from the Cell Phone or Smart Phone browser.......